Saturday, October 30, 2010


We are married!! It's been a crazy, bumpy ride, and such an INSANE weekend, I couldn't even describe. Despite all of the crazy things that happened that weekend, Anibal is now my husband and I am Mrs. Sosa. :)

Tahitian= My peeps

I am currently in training for Kiki Raina this next march. I've always loved tahitian dance, even before I was a student of it. This is what I want to be able to do. We are practicing for Merced this year... I already have my costume, and I am going to practice but when it comes time to solo... I freeze. I'm going to get a private lesson with my instructor to help out. I want to be like her. She's so graceful, it looks effortless and is so inspiring! Ahhh.... one day!